
Blessed Essences is proud to offer you high quality vibrational tree essences for emotional and Spiritual well being. The vibrational signature of the Blessed Essences resonates with clarity and strength.  People crave help for their emotional turmoil. In our brochure entitled Blessed Essences you will find a list of benefits for your clients, but what are the benefits for you?

Benefits of using Blessed Essences in your store or practice:

  1. Blessed Essences feed the hunger for support for emotional well being

  2. Administration is easy, just a dropperful under the tongue or add to a water bottle

  3. Easy to select, easy to sell and user ready, NO MIXING

  4. Self learning with our tools makes the line user friendly

  5. Brochures are free

  6. The Essences are a handcrafted Canadian product, they are not mass produced.

  7. Dedicated essences for the well being of our animals

  8. An abundant source of revenue for your business.

Making your first order is easy,  Contact me by phone or email and I will be happy to help your with placing your first order.  Wholesale cost is $15.00 per bottle. Suggested retail cost is $29.99 per bottle. Minimum opening order of 3 dozen essences is required.  A guide book will be given to you with your opening order for free. It is that easy to open an account. Online support offered free!